Introduction for the course

Lesson Summary

Welcome to the course "Fuzzy Thinking and What Did I Do With My Keys?" led by Dr. Deborah Roebuck, also known as the Metapause Whisperer. The course aims to help you manage brain fog during menopause by providing insights into the science behind menopause and cognitive function, identifying common symptoms, and offering practical strategies for improvement. Lessons are informative, engaging, and actionable.

Modules in the course include:

  • Menopause and memory lapse: You are not alone
  • Unlocking the mystery of menopause and brain fog
  • Staying calm: Start to stay sharp in managing your menopausal brain fog
  • Healthy habits for a clearer mind during menopause

Additional resources are available, including:

  • Worksheets for symptom tracking
  • Articles from the Mayo Clinic and Harvard for further understanding

By the end of the course, you will have:

  • A comprehensive understanding of menopause and brain fog
  • Coping strategies to deal with menopause and brain fog
  • Self-discovery and clarity to embark on this journey confidently

Remember, this course is a health education resource and not a substitute for professional medical advice. It is encouraged to consult your healthcare professional, share what you've learned and discovered about yourself, and work with them to design a personalized program tailored to your needs. Embrace the learning journey ahead and approach it with grace and self-awareness.

Thank you for joining, and Dr. Roebuck looks forward to supporting you in this course. Let's get started!

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